Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Everyone seems to have their own opinion on this whole Chris and Rihanna drama. They are in titled to their own opinions but we cannot speak on a matter that we know little about. I am not taking side in this. A lot of people are going against chris and throwing dirt on his name, not me. people do make mistakes i am guilty of that im pretty sure we all are but the difference is our mistakes arent public our mistakes aren't out their for the world to criticize. this whole thing was like a big game of "Telephone". There are 3 sides to every story His side, Her side and the TRUTH! I am glad that both of them have came out with public statements but that does not mean that we will know all of what happened that night. I'm so sad that they both have to go through this in the public eye, but I'm also relieved that they have moved on with their lives and can grow and learn from this. I don't believe in domestic violence whether the female is wrong or vise versa you shouldn't have to get physical. You love a person unconditionally you wouldn't want to hurt him. We don't know how chris and rihanna live, we don't know how much a pain in the ass she is or how annoying he is. We only see what they choose to show! it seems to me like alot of people see chris as the bad person but what if she was the one who did all that to him? then what would we say I don't think we will come to his rescue as many are doing for rihanna I think a lot of people still wouldn't respect him for getting beat up by a girl . lol but still I dont think anymore of us should cmnt on this. they obviously got over this why cant we? Why are people so damn nosey? lmao